Monday, May 11, 2009

Tranquility Challenge

tranquility banner

Even though we did not have many images for this challenge, we did have some beautiful images. I want to thank everyone who contributed to our challenge & even those who visited our blogs & left comments. They ARE appreciated!

As a reminder, we only have 2 more challenges left till the summer break. So if your thinking of joining in, do it within this month. We will resume in September.
If you missed our entry "Changes in the Winds" click & read it.

I will be explaining the next challenge this weekend. I will also show some samples.
So watch out for it.



Maria said...

I love this little gallery of tranquility. I've been absent for a little while from the community photo challenge and I see that you will be taking a Summer break...good idea to take a little rest.

Shannon Mackle said...

Some weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me due to some issues.

I did everything to get him back but nothing worked.

I contacted a relationship doctor i saw online.

I told the relationship doctor everything that happened,

He promised to fix my relationship.

My relationship was restored just as promised,

My Ex-boyfriend is back and promised never to leave me again

I am the happiest lady on earth,

Never too late to fix your broken heart.

You can still get your lover back...

Fix broken relationship/marriage...

Thanks a lot����������❤

address:::::: R.buckler11@ gmail. com.........................